Build SuperApps with FinClip

Be An "App of Everything". Deploy your own mini-app store and take control of publishing unlimited services to your own App.

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Power of SuperApp

"App of Everything"

What a SuperApp can do for your business.

Build Your Own Digital Eco-system

Foster a real platform play to host and leverage unlimited contents and services from yourself and your partners to serve your customers.

Provide Convenience For Users

Consolidate many App functionalities into one, creating a seamless, one-stop experience for users. Also save yourself lots of money maintaining multiple Apps

Improve User Engagement

By serving many user needs, drive frequent habit-forming usage and higher engagement levels. The more time users spend on a platform the better.

Enable Powerful Cross-selling

Allows efficiently cross-selling and upselling many other services to users once they are hooked into your ecosystem via one service,

Gain Superior Data & Insights

Collecting user data, interactions, transactions in one centralized location within a SuperApp enables developing rich insights about customers through data mining. It is a data goldmine for ML.

Expand Market Potential

The multi-product model of SuperApps allows foraying into new verticals, partnerships and capturing market share across categories.

Enhance Platform Synergies

The various services, products and offerings within a SuperApp can complement each other in seamless ways by building tight synergies.

Foster Competitive Advantage

By deeply integrating a wide array of in-demand user services, SuperApps erect high competitive barriers against standalone apps.

Inside FinClip

Full stack solution to build SuperApps!

Device-side: Pervasive

FinClip transforms your app into a powerful platform with SuperApp capabilities.

Cross platform SDKs

Got 30 minutes? Embed FinClip SDK into your iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, Mac applications. And your app is instantly ready to run unlimited number of Mini-programs (or Mini-Apps, in W3C terms)

Containers with security sandbox

Digital contents & services as "Mini-programs" are downloaded, on-demand, into your App for execution in isolated, sandboxed environment. FinClip is like a container, except it runs in your app

High performance rendering engine

Customized JavaScript engine that renders contents leveraging multi-threading and aggressive caching to provide high performance that rivals native apps. Enables direct access to native device capabilities.

Cloud-side: Control

FinClip provides you a "Digital Services Store" to host unlimited number of business scenarios from yourself or from partners.

App store with full control

A "lightweight apps" or Mini-programs in store for you to own. You manage the lifecycle and availability of digital services. Publish code on cloud. Distribute code to device. Execute code in App.

On-premise or BYOC

A Data privacy and security first operation platform for you to own, whether self-hosted or deployed to your preferred cloud.

Cloud-native server architecture

A fully containerized, shrink-wrap middleware that harnesses the power of Docker, Kubernetes and micro-services to support elasticity based on the service volume of your SuperApp

Platform: Leverage

FinClip serves as the digital foundation to empower your digital ecosystem. Bring business partners. Attract developers. Run their code in your SuperApp to aggregate values for your customers.

FinClip Studio

Empower your developers to code effectively. Boost their productivity to contribute more application contents to your SuperApp

Data metrics dashboard

Monitor user activities in the SuperApp to gain rich insights and perform analytics to optimize operations and formulate strategies.

Open developer center

A ready-to-use developer center for you to own. Onboard developers from the world to have them contribute software code to your App

Get your dream SuperApp up and running in no time with FinClip.

Step 1: Embed

Embed FinClip SDK into your existing App, whether it is written in ObjC/Swift, Java/Kotlin or Flutter running on iOS, Android, Linux, Windows or Mac. Don't even have an App? Contact Us for a free one to start with.

Step 2: Deploy

Deploy FinClip servers to your host. Use corresponding API key when initializing SDK on client.

Step 3: Publish

Locate sample Mini-programs or develop your own Mini-programs. Publish them to the store or marketplace on your FinClip servers.

Step 4: Lookup

In your App (now embedding a FinClip SDK), find a place to encode an "entry" (a link, an icon or a button) pointing to the address of a Mini-program so users can "discover" it.


Steps image


Frequently Asked Questions

Dive into the following questions to gain insights into the powerful features of SuperApp technology.

What is a SuperApp?

It is a mobile app that consolidates the functions of multiple stand-alone applications into a single platform. SuperApps aim to provide a broad variety of services and fulfill a range of user needs such as communication, social networking, entertainment, shopping, ride sharing, food delivery and payments all in one integrated mobile application. It converges a wide range of self-contained apps into one convenient portal via common infrastructure and a universal service layer to fulfill diverse essential user needs within a mobile environment.

What are the most famous SuperApps?

WeChat and Alipay (China), pioneering in this tech genre, encompasses messaging, payments, shopping, ride-hailing, news, municipal services and virtually everything in daily life. Gojek (Indonesia) and Grab (Southeast Asia) follow suits with ride-hailing, food delivery, payments, logistics, financial services, and more.

How is a SuperApp technically implemented?

WeChat invented the concept of Mini-program, which defines a common UI layer neatly stitches together different backend modules, providing consistent navigation and transitions for users. Virtually unlimited online contents and services are encapsulated in Mini-programs to be run within the app

What is a Mini-program/Mini-App?

The building block of a SuperApp. It is also known as Mini-App, as defined by W3C MiniApp Workgroup in the process of standardizing it. A mini-program is a compressed package within which there are directory structure containing code, assets and config files.

How is a Mini-program/Mini-App different from a PWA?

A Mini-program is indeed somewhat comparable to PWA (Progressive Web App) in the sense that both of them package Web technologies of HTML, JavaScript and CSS etc. However, PWA hardly gains any traction in the mobile world while Mini-programs were born to provide excellent consumer experience on mobile phone and achieved huge success.

Why Mini-programs perform well on mobile devices?

A Mini-program is a very lightweight piece of code snippet that is intuitive to use and easy to program. It is usually executed in a runtime environment with customized JavaScript engine and optimized Web layout engine.

Can I build my own SuperApp?

Yes you can. But keep in mind that this type of technology takes Internet giants years to build and continue to evolve. It would be wise to adopt a mature solution like FinClip to keep up with those BigTech companies, instead of reinventing one. It would be quicker, safer and far more feasible.

Can I benefit from a SuperApp platform architecture?

You probably can, even if you are not an Internet company. The SuperApp architecture, championing and maximiazing the loose-coupling philosophy, is by itself a best practice for enterprise application software. Many industries have found great use of it. Please check out our Solutions section for inspiring ideas


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