Build For Any Device

Instant SuperApp:
Just Embed FinClip SDK

A cross-platform SDK working from mobile phone to in-vehicle infotainment system turns any App into SuperApp. Got a legacy application? 3 lines of code integrates a 3MB lightweight runtime. Start from scratch? Take our open source App shell to build a new one!

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SuperApp Enablement With FinClip SDK

Lightweight, non-intrusive, secured, open.

Small Size

SDK is modularized, with the core being merely 3MB in size. Most applications will find it sufficient to embed the core for major capabilities

Mobile Editions

Native Objective-C based implementation for iOS Apps and Java-based implementation for Android. Battle-tested for various Android versions

Desktop Editions

Mac, Linux and Windows applications can embed the SDK so that an application scenario can be simultaneously supported across mobile devices and desktops with continuity and consistent UX

IoT Editions

SmartTV, in-vehicle infotainment systems and even POS devices - in fact any devices with a touch screen, can now render the same digital contents originally only targeting mobile phones

Rendering Engine

Customized Web layout engine and JavaScript engine for interpreting and executing JavaScript, HTML, CSS and WebGL code. Optimized for performance and low memory usage on mobile devices

Security Sandbox

Ensures mini-programs operate within a controlled environment, preventing unauthorized access to user data or device resources. Monitor communication between the mini-program and external servers for network activities


Bridges the gap between Web-based code and native device capabilities. Allows mini-program to access functionalities like camera, location, and payments of underlying platforms

De Facto Standards

Supports Mini-App or Mini-program code written in WeChat Mini-program convention, a de facto standard observed and adopted by major Internet platforms


Ever need video streaming, map, calendar, bluetooth, customized payment and other possible capabilities? Extended plugins are availalbe


Discover how applications using FinClip SDK to drive for success.

Instant SDK Embedding

Integrating the SDK is easy!

Whether you have a legacy iOS app written in Objective-C or Swift, or an Android app written in Java/Kotlin, in your application code just include the FinClip SDK, initialize an SDK key, pass in an SDK secret and point the SDK to a FinClip API server, and you are done with embedding!

If your app is written in Flutter, you can still embed our SDK of the corresponding platforms.

In a few minutes, your SuperApp is alll set and your are ready to start developing and testing mini-programs, whether they are from yourself or from 3rd party partners.

Coverage of many platforms

FinClip SDK offers support for various operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, HarmonyOS NEXT and more.

Your SuperApp is no longer confined to mere mobile phone devices. But rather, you can have the same mini-program contents run on any devices including but not limited to desktop computers, Smart TV setop boxes, Kiosks, in-car infotainment systems and anything with a touchscreen!

Any you can implement Device Continuity to support seamless and consistent user experience regardless of devices.

Security Sandboxing

The FinClip SDK is a security sandbox. As an embedded component, it protects the SuperApp host by creating a virtual environment inside the app to contain all mini-program code, which is by not default not trusted, whether it is written by the same team of developers of the SuperApp itself, by 3rd party partners, or even any random developers on the internet.

It is comparable to a docker container indeed, except it runs inside an app on device-side instead of on cloud-side. It isolates mini-program instances from each other. And it insulates the underlying system of device.

High Performance Rendering Engine

The FinClip SDK is a high-performance execution solution, with its excellence rooted in the completely independently developed Cliptrix engine. This innovative engine is designed for devices with limited resources and ensures a smooth user experience on devices with at least 1GB of memory. Mini-programs run through the FinClip SDK show significant advantages in terms of startup speed, loading time, and memory footprint. Whether in performance-intensive application scenarios or resource-constrained environments, the FinClip SDK guarantees efficient operation of mini-programs, delivering a fast-responsive and smooth operational experience for users.

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