Will the ‘Super App’ work outside of Asia?
Super apps refer to a type of app that allow users to carry out multiple functions without having to...
Cross-Platform Mobile Development Solutions: One Of The Most Popular Software Development Trends
Nowadays, many companies are facing the challenge of needing to build mobile apps for multiple platf...
Rise of Social E-commerce Overseas: Mini Programs Facilitating the Creation of Super Apps
“Social networks are now extending tools, once exclusive to brands, to influencers.”...
How is the Super App of Large Commercial Banks 'Assembled'?
The bank synchronized its WeChat mini-programs to its app using FinClip, guiding users to its mobile...
Modern App Development Models: PWA vs. Mini Programs
In recent years, a new application development model has emerged, widely known as Progressive Web Ap...
Hybrid Technology Discussion: Hot Module Replacement(HMR)
Recently, with the significant development of mini-programs by super apps like WeChat, Alipay, and B...
E-Wallet Mini Program: The Perfect Fusion of Technology and Convenience
Our way of life is quietly being altered by the COVID-19 pandemic and mini-programs....
Disruptor: Telegram Becomes a Super App with Cloud Infrastructure Originating from China
Telegram announced a new feature that allows developers to run Mini Apps, referred to as "mini-...